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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Let's Play Spelling!!!-Bilingue

Learning should be fun!

Today's children are familiar with technology, those with access to it, just love it.

Why conventional schools are failing?  Because they are not technology equipped.

Your child will learn best by doing it in a way that is fun.  Because it's by playing that children best learn.
Coach Mom

Hoy dia los niños estan familiarizados con la tecnologia. Aquellos con acceso a la misma, simplemente la disfrutan.

¿Porque las escuelas convencionales estan fracasando? Porque no estan equipadas con tecnologia.

Su niño aprendera mejor si lo hace de un modo divertido. Porque es atraves del juego que los niños mejor aprenden.

Here is a website for spelling:
Aqui un enlaze para deletrear:

Have fun!
A divertirse.

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